(Exhorter/Minister of Music/Minister of Christian Education)
Requesting a CAMS Application
Completing the Calling and Ministries Studies (CAMS) Program is one’s first step to obtaining credentials with the Church of God. If you feel called to become a credentialed minister in the Church of God, you should discuss this desire with your Pastor. Please note: You cannot go through the credentialing process without the blessing of your Pastor. The Pastor and the local church must endorse the minister for the application to be acquired. Once receiving your Pastor’s blessing, him/her may then request an application from the Pennsylvania Church of God State Office. Upon receiving this request, a New Minister/CAMS application will be mailed to him/her from the State Office and then given to you for completion.
Application Process
General CAMS Application Requirements:
Must receive the baptism with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues
Must hold a Church of God membership
Must be consistent in church attendance and tithing
Must read the entire Bible in completion at least once
Obtain two letters of recommendation (one from your most recent pastor and one from an employer)
Obtain signatures from your Pastor and District Overseer
A check of $125.00 written out to “Pennsylvania Church of God State Office” sent with your completed application for the background check and application fee
The CAMS application and its requirements must be completed and sent to the State Office by June 17, 2024.
Once we receive your application at the State Office, you will be submitted to a background check and the processing of the application will begin! The State Office will contact you if we need more information.
If the applicant and/or their spouse has had a previous marriage, the couple will be given additional marital forms to complete and will need to be given permission by the Marital Review Board to continue the credentialing process.
If you hold credentials in another qualified denomination, you may be allowed to transfer your credentials into the Church of God. However, one or more courses on Church of God history, polity, and doctrine may be required.
Applicants who are seeking exemption from CAMS or MIP must have equivalent academic credits and sufficient ministerial experience. Academic transcripts, resume’, and other documentation will be required. All decisions regarding exemption are made by the Division of Education (DOE) and/or Executive Committee at the Church of God International Offices.
CAMS Tuition and Fee:
Background Check and Application Fee: $125
CAMS Tuition for Married Couple Internet Study: $383
CAMS Tuition for Single Applicant Internet Study: $353
CAMS Tuition for Married Couple DVD Study: $548
CAMS Tuition for Single Applicant DVD Study: $518
CAMS Tuition for Married Couple both CAMS Applicants Internet Study: $658 or DVD Study: $768
Overview of the CAMS Program
Throughout the CAMS program, the CAMS student will be given opportunities to develop the abilities to fulfill their divine calling and place of ministry. There are two sections in CAMS: seminars and individual study. The orientation and three seminars are to be attended by both the applicants and their spouses. These seminars give a foundational knowledge and explanation of ministry. The individual study portion includes personal devotions about calling and ministry, completing online courses, and writing papers about their calling and understanding of ministry.
Becoming an Exhorter/Minister of Music/Minister of Christian Education
Once the student has successfully completed the CAMS program, him/her and their spouse will be interviewed by the Ministerial Development Board at the State Office. Upon their approval to continue the credentialing process, the candidate may purchase a study guide(s) to take their Exhorter exam and Minister of Music/Minister of Christian Education if desired. Once the candidate has passed the three sections of the Exhorter examination and received their certificate, him/her will officially be an Exhorter in the Church of God. If you are called, it is highly encouraged to then consider applying to the Ministerial Internship Program (MIP) as the next step to become an Ordained Minister in the Church of God.
Please contact Abbey Kutchen at the State Office if you have any questions regarding credentialing. You may reach her by email at or by calling (717) 258-5575.