Ordained Minister
MIP Application Process
If you are called to become an Ordained Minister, you must complete the Ministerial Internship Program (MIP). Successfully completing MIP allows you to become an Ordained Minister in the Church of God. Let your pastor know if you wish to apply for MIP. Your pastor will request an MIP application at the State Office.
Once given the MIP application, there are a few requirements that must be done throughout the application process:
The applicant must complete a New Minister/CAMS/Exhorter Application to complete their file. If you are an Exhorter in the Church of God, you are all set and do not need to complete a second New Minister/CAMS/Exhorter Application for your file. If you are transferring into the Church of God, you must complete a New Minister/CAMS/Exhorter Application to continue.
When filling out the MIP application, please do not leave anything blank. If something does not apply to you, write “N/A”.
Completed Activity Sheet sent with your application.
Secure the signature of both your Pastor and district overseer.
A check of $135 (application fee) written out to the Church of God State Office and sent to the State Office with your application.
A background check screening will be done once we receive your completed MIP application at the State Office. If you have not had a background check screening through the Church of God, then an additional background check fee of $100 will be needed. If you have already received a background check screening through the Church of God, then you will not need to provide a $100 background check fee.
All MIP applications are to be completed in full and sent to the State Office by June 17, 2024.
Please contact Abbey at the State Office if you have any questions about credentialing. You may reach her by e-mail or phone (717) 258-5575.
MIP Tuition and Fee
Application Fee: $135
MIP Tuition for a Married Applicant: $765 for Internet Access or $1,235 with purchased DVDs
MIP Tuition for a Single Applicant: $590 for Internet Access or $1,075 with purchased DVDs.
Overview of the MIP Program
The Church of God Division of Education says the following regarding MIP:
“The Ministerial Internship Program (MIP) is a program that provides ministerial preparation by practical training on the local-church level, combined with academic self-study and monthly training seminars, focusing on vital topics for spiritual leadership and ministerial effectiveness.
The purposes for MIP are to:
Give the minister and spouse practical training and experience at the local-church level under the supervision of a pastor.
Developing scriptural disciplines of accountability, self-awareness, personal and ministerial growth.
Developing skills to build relationships with the church, fellow ministers, and the people whom they serve.
Assist new ministers in discovering their own talents and styles for evangelistic outreach, pastoral responsibilities, other areas of ministry, and for determining further training needs.
Three parts of MIP:
1.) Studies on the Bible, Doctrine, and Leadership:
The candidates and spouses follow a daily schedule of spiritual, study, and physical assignments.
2.) A supervised practicum with a pastor:
The supervised practicum affords the supervising pastor an opportunity to prepare the MIP candidates to fulfill their divine call. The supervised practicum experience builds upon the supervising pastor being a mentor and a coach to the candidate. The focus of the relationship is on ministry activities and reflections between the supervising pastor and candidate. The relationship purposefully develops ministry skills in the candidate.
3.) Eight monthly seminars:
The eight monthly seminars cover a range of materials that address ministry topics and issues. The seminars complement and add to the experience of the supervised practicum.
Specializations in the Ministerial Internship Program:
In an effort to broaden the ministerial training experience, specializations in ministries will be offered in the MIP. The specializations are:
Women in Ministry
Executive Pastor Ministry
Children’s Ministry
Youth Ministry
Christian Education Ministry
Church Planting
“If applicants want to specialize in one of these ministries, they should contact the state MIP coordinator in their states.”